20-21 July, 2024 Mid Year Meet of GOA

It is a pleasure and privilege that NGOA- North Gujarat Orthopaedic Association- is organising the Mid Year Meet of GOA. 

We, the office bearers of GOA have fullest trust and confidence that NGOA will make a fantastic show with academic and entertainment fiesta at Sun Resort, Abu Raod on 20-21 July. 

On behalf of GOA - we extend a warm and cordial invitation to all GOA members to join us for this wonderful eduvaganza! It will be a fun filled learning experience. 

Hope to see you all in large numbers. 


Thank you

Dr. Vijay Sata- President GOA 

Dr. Ketan Thakkar- Secretary GOA


President Theme

Dr. Vijaybhai Sata



Secretary's Message

Dr. Ketan Thakkar



2023-24 was a landmark year for Gujarat Orthopaedic Association. We had a rainbow of academic events all through the year with an educational extravaganza. As the new President, Dr. Vijay Sata embarks on his sojourn of scientific and social activities through the upcoming year 2024-25, it will surely be an exciting and exuberant voyage ahead.

As the new dawn beckons, we have a spectrum of interesting seminars and workshops lined up during this year. New ideas and new actions will always be complemented by achievements and accomplishments of the past year. Credibility, consistency and continuity will be balanced by bigger, better, bolder plans and deeds.

There is a crying need of improving the membership numbers of our association. We intend to carry out a huge drive to motivate our non-member colleagues to become GOA members during this year. It is obviously a privilege and necessity to become a member of our parent association.  It goes without saying that there are and will be more overt and covert benefits of becoming a GOA member. It is a symbiotic relationship after all. Believe me, as Dumbledore said- “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. IT IS OUR CHOICES!” Our choice to become a GOA MEMBER.

The GBM has approved the reinstatement of the prestigious GOA Fellowships for the young surgeons and the Executive Committee is geared to implement it right away as a pilot project. Of course, it will be formally structured through an official committee to frame the rules and regulations, terms and conditions, selection criteria and affiliations.

The revived and rejuvenated scientific bulletin of GOA (digital version) has been an enthralling success and we will surely maintain and upgrade the tempo. Good things always require applause and an encore!

As usual, it has been a rollercoaster ride of reminisces, challenges and accomplishments through the last year with constant support and cooperation from all of you. I have always believed in the jingle of “har ek friend zaroori hota hai!”  Together we always achieve more. Let us strive to thrive. Let us have the verve to serve.  As Frost quoted, “We have promises to keep and miles to go….” So let us get going. Come on!


- Dr. Ketan Thakkar 

Secretary, Gujarat Orthopedic Association 2023-25


Welcome to Gujarat Orthopedic Association

We at Gujarat Orthopedic Association are proud to present our website in new avatar!
This is not a simple website but a web application! You can actually interact with other members, post your cases and seek comments, suggestions.

  • The webapp will have digital directory of members and associate members.
  • Digital library: Members, resident members can log in the library, where all the study presentations will be stored in proper classified manner.
  • Membership portal : As part of membership drive and paperless technology the membership form, consent and approval will be automated followed by online payment gateway.
  • Members login and profile : Each member will have login, profile updating which they can do it by themselves.
  • Infinity page will enable members to actively participate by sending presentations, youtube links or video presentations.
  • The academic information flow will create tremendous value to the members, resident students.
  • Executive committee messages to all members can also be sent by single click.
  • Live events, webinars can be seen by direct link on the webapp.
  • Conferences management will also be possible through this dynamic application.

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Let us have evolution together by sharing! on our Platform

  • Our Misson
  • Our Vision

Our Misson

The Misson of the association is to edify - enlighten, improve, nurture, instruct, educate, teach, learn and spread...all the knowledge in the global orthopaedic ecosystem by sharing with each other. The knowledge should be imparted to the community as well as part of every orthopaedic surgeons Mission. Orthopaedic surgeons should serve the community by means of advocating knowledge for prevention of all possible orthopaedic diseases.

Evolution of Gujarat Orthopedic Association has been a result of contributions through hard work, sincerity and dedication by a number of our colleagues.

Every fraternity member belonging to the GOA contributes to its evolution in his own way. Every cadre of surgeons in the field of orthopedics is important in contributing and evolving GOA.

  • Our senior members contribute by sharing their acquired knowledge and experience over the years. This knowledge is laden with thousand of surgeries and outcomes they have seen over years of experience.
  • They then shape up the second line who in turn contributes by actively implementing this knowledge and mentoring fellow members. The second line surgeons are the true connect, support and executioners of the process.
  • The most enthusiastic youngest generation offer their contributions with new ideas and try to nudge others in their direction by presenting and publishing their innovations and observations.

To implement these features, we look forward for our members' enthusiastic contributions, support and suggestions on how we can better this effort. Your suggestions form a valuable part in this process.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide authentic medium and platform to communicate within our fraternity and keep each member informed about the latest in Orthoworld and happenings at Gujarat Orthopedic Association and its affiliated regional chapters.

We hope that this step taken by us will attain new milestones of success.


Our Members Testimonials

What They Say